Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A New Beginning.

The Aftermath. The last few weeks have been a blur of surreality. Is that a word? After watching my expected future literally go up in flames, I have to admit, I've spent the last few weeks in a bit of a daze. To this day it still hasn't really set in that our Walnut Creek store is gone. I can't hardly even drive by it. I've found myself taking the long way home and altering my travel paths to avoid passing by. I'm not even trying too, its subconsious. But with the closing of one door comes the opening of another. With the showroom and store gone, the doorshop no longer has a sales force. Being as I have to do something, I thought "What If?" and decided to buy the door shop and go it myself. I've got a ton of clients and a few jobs why not? So I did. I'm now the proud new owner of Piedmonts former doorshop and am launching my own brand, Architectural Wood Products.  Here's a shot of the shop with a 6 panel bifolding french door for one of my favorite customers.

Just to be sure I had plenty to keep me busy, I decided to attend the Home and garden show. What the heck, I had three days to build a booth, and put the whole thing together. Flyers, show specials, signage, displays, ect. plenty of time.. Heres Traci (my right hand man who happens to be a woman) and I in the booth.

Yep.  We're having fun.  I can't wait to get some sleep.

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